About Me

My name is Al, I was born in the U.K. in 1945, I emigrated to Alberta, Canada in 1980.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma as a result of unknowingly being exposed to asbestos. Since then I have undergone mesothelioma diagnosis and treatment and have now been awarded compensation.

I have been very lucky, both in the manner of my initial asymptomatic diagnoses and in my chemotherapy treatment since. After the initial devastating news I have learned that with the help of friends, family and a supportive and competent oncologist team there is always a way that you can cultivate a positive outlook for your future. That attitude will give you hope, which in those early months, you need so desperately.

Mesothelioma is just one of over 1000 cancer types now identified since human genome sequencing, every one of those cancers is unique and specific to the individual that it affects. Each individual’s mesothelioma prognosis and response to cancer treatment are also unique, what may work well for one person may not be the best solution for another, but there will always be a specific treatment for you. 

Cancer is a generic term, its public perception to those who have not experienced it or been diagnosed with it is that it is invariably and quickly fatal.


Cancer treatments and mesothelioma patients survival rates are improving constantly, so be mindful of how much information currently found on the net is outdated, inaccurate and just plain wrong. Don’t go there, THERE IS HOPE , for everyone, you must be positive and create and nurture your own individual hope. Please remember you are in a vulnerable frame of mind, seeking and randomly opening websites and reading something that cannot be unread could easily destroy the hope you’ve created.

Trust your oncologist, know only what you need to know, don’t seek out meaningless and negative statistics 

 So this is my story of mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment and  compensation. My intention is to try to give others hope when it seems there is none. I realize that there are some who will read this while they are in the process of overcoming  different challenges that were not a part of my story. Please know that if you have any thoughts, feelings or experiences you’d like to share they will be welcomed and valued.